
What is a garden to a galaxy? They are nothing alike, right? Except that each is a system made up of smaller parts working together. Nebulae, stars, planets, and solar systems are to galaxies as dirt, seeds, plants and pollinators are to gardens. And while they are both bustling with life, another thing that is inevitably present in both is death.

The death of nebulae and stars, planets and solar systems feels very out there. We haven't experienced the catastrophic results of this simply because we haven't been close enough when they happen.

But we've been plenty close when the death of large bushes and trees, family members and loved ones, or promises and hopes comes to sit with us. Those can often feel too close. Some go to the garden and put hands in the dirt to ground themselves, to surround a bleeding heart with life. But it all feels utterly catastrophic.

If a gardener is one who tends to life, they also have to be one who tends to death. And you don't just tend to it. Death is something you have to sit with as well…


A Letter to The Earth